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            作者:admin      發布時間:2022-10-20      瀏覽次數:1494


            As we all know, bathroom floor decoration can not choose Ji'nan plastic floor. We must use floor tiles. So how do we spread floor tiles? What is the specific process and what are the matters needing attention in the laying of floor tiles?


            The 1. one is the wall should be to be paved on the side of the wall, and not once posted on the top, seam is generally 1 - 3 mm; the two is paving before dealing with the wall leveling treatment crack; bonding material three is applied to the middle slightly higher than the surrounding with a rubber hammer surface by fixing this way to avoid air accumulation in the adhesive layer. At the same time to detect the level of four; a bonding material is to choose and appropriate, general wall cement sand ratio 1:4, ground cement and sand ratio of 1:3


            2. the ground to draw. Some construction ground is uneven, encounter this kind of situation you should put where uneven cement mortar paving. Can use different colors when laying tiles (darker) around the frame, and the frame of ceramic tile with a lighter. Of course, the kitchen and toilet ground must to tilt, it is in order to facilitate drainage.


            The 3. tile decoration on another note is a waterproof layer. In some parts of the wall of the kitchen should be more attention. Because the replacement tiles will usually destroy the original cement sand pitch waterproof layer. The remedy is in the attached tile before the first hit a layer of asphalt waterproof layer seam filling. White water mud between the tiles it should be repaired:

            4.磚面要鑲平,角度要準確,接口要對線;瓷磚在使用前要浸水半日;廁所地面要有適當斜面,不可積水 瓷磚接口掃白水泥后要用藤絲刷凈白水泥,不可在磚面上留有水泥污漬;地磚鋪徹完后要用紙板等覆蓋磚面,并至少24小時后才能在磚面上行走;

            4. blocks to embed Ping, point to be accurate interface to the line; the tiles to inundate half day before use; toilet floor to have the appropriate slope, water can not be tile interface and white cement after use can brush whitening cement, can not be left in the brick surface cement stains; floor tile with cardboard etc. covered with brick after penetration, and at least 24 hours before the brick surface running;

            5.先將平面掃凈濕潤,用1:3水泥砂漿打底,厚6毫米.墻面要略微帶毛,但必須平整.要計算縱橫塊數,定出水平分格.打完底后隔3-4天開始粘貼瓷磚.貼瓷磚時要先澆水濕潤墻,在下面一層瓷磚底部放好墊尺板,墊尺板必須保持水平線,并將它固定好. 瓷磚應預先浸透水分取出稍陰干,由墊尺板上沿著往上貼.在1:2水泥細砂中加入適量3-4%107膠,可改善砂漿的和易性.減緩凝結時間.以方便粘貼和防止砂漿流淌.

            5. the plane sweep wet, backing with 1:3 cement mortar, 6 mm thick. The walls of microstrip hair, but must be smooth. To calculate the number of vertical and horizontal, set the level of division. After every 3-4 days after the end of paste tiles. Tiles to water wall in the bottom layer of the bottom tile the Department put the ruler pad plate, plate pad feet must remain horizontal line, and it will be fixed. The tiles should be pre soaked water out slightly dried by the ruler pad board along the paste up. Adding 3-4%107 glue in 1:2 cement fine sand, can improve the workability. The setting time to slow down. Easy to paste and prevent mortar flowing.

            將砂漿抹于瓷磚背面,貼上墻上用橡皮錘輕敲磚面,使灰漿擠滿.貼完底層一層瓷磚后,將靠尺垂直放置作為豎向標準.貼時一般從陽角開始,以便不成整塊的瓷磚對齊縫.所有縱橫縫都須對齊,磚面沾著的灰漿應在未干時擦掉,貼完后用清水沖洗擦凈,縫子用白水泥擦干. 在水泥砂漿抹灰墻上貼瓷磚 在墻面上找出縱橫基準線,算好層數,接著再用摻入5-7%107膠的水泥素漿粘貼.如墻面很平整,先用純水泥漿掃一遍,在其沒干時開始粘貼.因粘結層不摻砂,故很薄,只有2-3毫米厚,粘結時易于平整,所以這是一種很方便經濟的方法.

            The mortar on the back of the tile, the wall affixed with a rubber hammer on the tile surface, the mortar had finished bottom. With a layer of ceramic tile, will be on foot placed vertically as vertical standard. Stick from the positive angle, so as not to align the whole tile seam. All joints shall be aligned vertically and horizontally, brick surface with the mortar should be wiped in the wet, paste after rinse clean, nuiko with white cement dry. Tiles on the cement mortar on the wall to find the horizontal datum line on the wall, a good number, followed by incorporation of 5-7%107 adhesive cement paste. If the wall is very smooth, with pure water the mud swept again, began to paste on its not dry. Because of the bonding layer with sand, so it is very thin, only 2-3 mm thick, smooth and easy bonding, so this method is very convenient and economic.


            6. set the ground standard height surface


            (1) spread a layer of 1:3.5 cement mortar on the brushed ground, with a thickness of less than 10 millimeters.


            (2) use nylon wire or cotton wire rope to pull out the ground standard line at the wall elevation point, and the vertical cross positioning line.


            (3) according to the positioning line position of the paving tile. With 1:2 cement mortar stalls in the back of the tile, the tile and paving the ground, and with a rubber hammer to the ground tile surface, compaction, and height and ground elevation line well. Paving 8 blocks or more application level check Ping on the whole, the high part with a rubber hammer flat, the lower part of a ceramic tile should play with cement pad high. Tile paving procedures for small rooms (area less than 40 square meters), is usually done T shaped surface. The standard height room area is larger in the center of the room is usually the cross made standard height, which can facilitate the construction of the people at the same time.


            7. paving face


            Paving surface construction is based on the standard height of surface paved standard medium, paving close to the paved surface of standard height to start construction, with straight and flat out to control on the butt. Tile paving cement slurry should be full wipe the back of the tile, and with a rubber hammer actually, in order to prevent the hollowing phenomenon. And while paving the side with the level check correction. And immediately wipe the surface of the cement slurry.


            For the floor of toilet and bathroom, attention should be paid to the slope of 1:500 back water when paving.


            The ground floor after curing for 2 days, then wipe seam construction. Wipe seam, the white cement mixed into dry, wipe in the gap, so that the tiles on the inside is filled with white cement, and then wipe the surface of the tile.

            上一篇:什么是架空地板 怎么安裝架空地板


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